I used to be a terrible putter
II could always hit a ton of greens but my putting stunk. Now I’m making birdies. But more importantly, I’ve gained a ton of confidence. I took the weakest part of my game and turned it into a strength. All because of PuttPath™
Mastering the Perfect Putt
Mastering the Perfect Putt
Mastering the Perfect Putt
PuttPath™ is a state-of-the-art, 2-in-1 training aid that teaches golfers to easily find the perfect path to the hole every time
PuttPath’s™ revolutionary training system is based on your body’s own natural motion. By breaking down each phase of the putter’s swing, it teaches golfers to feel the perfect release of the putter head.
Because this motion can be quickly learned and mastered, you can see real results in several minutes. Thousands of repetitions are not required to notice a marked improvement.
And because it utilizes basic physics to create your ideal putting stroke, you don’t even need a ball to benefit from the effects of PuttPath™.
One of the great things about the PuttPath™ is that it comes with two completely different sides: Training and Pro.
TRAINING SIDE – The PuttPath™ training side has a two-toned ellipse, or arced half-circle, that assists you in visualizing the correct path. When you trace your putter over the painted arc, the ball will go straight every time. You’re actually grooving the perfect stroke: inside to square to inside.
When you keep your putter on the arc, the ball will roll over the PuttPath™ every time. The two contrasting colors have the added benefit of helping you visualize the same arc when you actually step onto the course to play.
PRO SIDE – The pro side has dots placed every 8 inches along the path. This dotted path is designed to get the golf ball on the intended line to the hole. If you roll the ball over the intended line, you have a significantly better chance of making the putt.
The dotted line gives you immediate feedback. If the ball doesn’t make it over the dotted path, you know your clubface was either open or closed. This helps you train yourself to pick the correct spot in front of you.
Working with the pro side will improve both your aim and alignment. PuttPath™ helps you to easily see the intend line of your putt while helping you square your feet at the same time.
When you combine the training side with the two-toned arc along with the pro side with the dotted path, you have the perfect training aid. And you can use it anywhere. Not to mention, PuttPath™ fits perfectly in your golf bag.
Two-in-one training aid
Portable and affordable
Revolutionary training system based on your body’s own natural movement
Two-toned arc helps you groove the perfect stroke
Dotted pro side helps improve both aim and alignment
PuttPath™ gives you immediate feedback
Real results can be seen in just minutes
Don’t even need a golf ball to practice
Fits neatly in your golf bag